Explination? KE Bed Level!

Can you post a first layer test print? Although I’m relatively new to 3D printing I have had considerable issues (and now experience) with bed leveling of my KE. Seeing the print would allow me to compare it with the issues I had.

At least the left side corners are similar as are the right side corners. A 2.0mm shim on the right side corners would make that roughly level. Could do that with a couple of M4 washers, quick and dirty but might be the answer, you can always take them out without making damage.

i will get you a test print of it here shortly

first layer using .2 layer height.

Hmm, I can’t really see much from the individual images. Can you print something like this : Z Offset Test by zekettek - Thingiverse

Although it doesn’t cover the entire bed it gives a good representation of the average build space. I’ve never had success printing a full bed test at 210x210.

Yeah I will get it done when I get home from work tonight

these are my latest prints that i consider failures

Ugh, that’s frustrating for sure especially when the aesthetics are everything. Well, they’re not pretty for sure but not really a fail per se. Yes, IMHO, that layer is certainly sloped but I think if you start from “scratch” and lowered the Z by -0.1 increments (my auto Z is always way too high) you can find a compromise which will yield much better results. For the “BatWing” you are showing the bottom or top layer? If that’s the top I don’t think that’s normal all around. Could you flip that to see what the other side looks like? I use the textured one which came with the KE and I found that even with my “fails” the bottom (first layer) can be cosmetically improved by the textured sheet. The X looks like you’re on a textured plate too?


Bottom (textured sheet)

I personally found that after tinkering with the settings and finding no significant improvement I needed to just restart from “scratch” by Auto Level/Z and go from there.

Your “X” does not look horrible and at least it’s adhering to the bed. The bubbles in the upper right look like too much “squish”(?) unless you tried to peel it off while still hot? The overall “squish” looks fairly uniform compared to some of mine and if anything looks like maybe you could try and raise it 0.01 to see what happens.

Sorry for all the edits. I keep looking at the images and think of something new to try.

Here’s the bottom of the batwing

No problem with the edits I thank you for all your help. I’m trying to fine tune the flow rate of the pla+ but I will try to do what you suggested

Unfortunately (or fortunately for me) I’ve never experienced that top layer issue. Have you done the flow rate calibrations yet? I would try that first since the first layer is certainly acceptable. I don’t think that’s a Z issue but then again… Post images of the tests and maybe @Bonfireman , @Nikoli or @jimandyen may have ideas as I think they’re much more experienced than I am.

I’m doing flow rate as we speak. As for the z offset there are times I hear the extruder scrape against the build surface

Scraping is bad (as you know) and I would re auto calibrate including the Z offset. Then print a new “X” and see what it looks like. It may be high but that’s better than too low. Also, check your top layer setting. If it’s on 1 try two, then 3… to see if it improves.