Auto Z offset shuts of and restarts on first time setup

Setting up my printer. I click English and it goes into “Auto Z offset in progress”. It goes all the way down and it’s the probe, the it heads for the corner of the base plate and when it reaches the corner it goes past the limits and the machine shuts off and then restarts. I then have to do this again over and over for it to stop and restart in the same spot. What gives?

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Check the voltage switch on the power supply is on the correct setting for your country. It defaults to 230V.

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Had the same issue out of the box! Bonfireman’s advice worked though! there is a switch on the back of the unit, you need to stick a tool in there and slide it over to 115V. then it was able to progress to the next step.

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Yup, figured that out an hour after posting that. How stupid to ship in 230v mode.

No matter, have spent 16 hours trying to get this thing to print and something always goes wrong and it stops. I’m over it.

It is a fail safe mode, if it shipped in 115V it would mostly likely cause damage in 230V countries which most of the rest of the world. At least shipping set at 230V the 115V countries shouldn’t break it, flick the switch it works. Shame it isn’t made more clear in the assembly instructions.

I get it. Clear as mud. Thanks for your help.