Brand new Ender 3 v3 KE not extruding

Just got a brand new printer for Christmas and after setting it up it does not print anything. I’m trying to print the boat from the USB drive. The print head and base plate move and it slowly progresses to 100% but nothing is actually printed. I can manually push filament through, do I don’t think it’s a clog (plus it’s brand new, never used). When I run the extruder in settings, it sometimes extrudes filament. Any idea what’s wrong?

Is there filament being extruded but not adhering to the buildplate? Most likely adjusting the z-offset to get it to stick. If it isn’t extruding is it the filament loaded correctly?

No filament is extruded at all during print jobs so it’s not that it won’t adhere to the buildplate. I believe the filament is loaded correctly.

Sadly some of these printers are not fully set up at the factory and you have to fine tune them yourself.
With regards to the extruder, you can try this.
Make sure you have filament loaded.
On the control pad select the adjustment icon (second in on the bottom of the screen next to home)
Now at the top of the screen select extrude/retract.
Select Length and type in 100mm
Now press Extrude.
The nozzle will preheat then try to extrude 100mm of filament.
It is important to look at the top of the printhead, just in front of the filament entry.
You will see a knurled wheel, does this turn?
If No, you have a bad connection on the extruder motor, take the extruder cover off and check.
If Yes, does filament come out of the nozzle?
If there is no filament at the printhead, check the nozzle is heating, be careful it is very hot.
Also check the extruder tension is correctly set, there are plenty of guides online under Sprite Direct Drive extruder.
Try the above then let us know your results