Creality Print 5.0.0 Release

Hi tjan, thanks for that informations, but for that moment I closed case “playing with PRINT5”. Let me explain why.

  1. PRINT5 is ported from ORCA, just different user interface and limited functions.
    When ORCA release new version, how long take to CR to make an upgrade for PRINT5? Month, half year? Perhaps…
  2. At this moment there is no usable documentation and description of their functions. As Adaptive layers — we just guess and try and hope and spend a lot of time to find out empirically how it actually works and how to use it. Orca is very well documented and there are plenty of forums with discussions about ORCA settings and optimization.
  3. All ORCA settings are placed in logical categories. I simply find the settings I need where I would logically expect them. I don’t have to search, I don’t have to guess, I don’t have to desperately ask. I really don’t have time for that.
  4. I don’t have to worry about new versions. I know I can easily export all the print mode settings, material settings and so on from the old version. And I can easily import them into the new version. The stress between CR CURA > CR PRINT4 > CR PRINT5 is for masochists, but I don’t really have such appetites. :crazy_face: I’ve already sent a few queries to CR support about the portability of settings. And of course – no reply. I’m rooting for this company, but I really can’t work like this…
  5. CR PRINT5 supports only the latest action models of CREALITY printers. Support for older models is not yet available. Who knows if maybe, someday, well probably ever… …and or never. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am using the vastly improved Ender-3 NEO connected via SonicPad. CR PRINT4 sort of works with SonicPad, but I’m not thrilled about it, more embarrassed. CR PRINT5 works with SonicPad in a different way, but it’s also not a miracle for a single company ecosystem! It doesn’t work better or worse, just only differenly. So disappointing.
But now I have connected it to ORCA and ALELUJA! It suddenly works exactly as I imagined! It works as if it has always been an integral part of this slicer and on the first try. I just entered the IP address and ORCA took care of everything else. Awesome! It’s working perfectly, the way it’s supposed to, finally! But why doesn’t it work perfectly too with the Creality slicer? That’s a question for someone else…
So I spent this afternoon creating my printer printing settings and modes for ORCA, including image of my tuned and improved printer, bed and now I’m migrating the customized materials settings from CR CURA. Oh, and I’m definitely done with PRINT5. When I do the complete migration to the ORCA slicer, I’ll uninstall CR CURA and both PRINTs and just keep ORCA itself on my comp. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: