My e3v3se has stopped generating mesh data remotely close to reality forcing a manual adjustment of the mesh data. And once the bed is removed to release the print the mesh data needs manually reset again. Not what the settings were just previously either. If g-code specifies a probe mesh action obviously all the data returned is wrong. The auto z-offset is also really wrong. This process formerly worked like a champ. I have updated the firmware to the .6 revision on the screen and the motherboard.
I have live adjusted the z offset on bed level test prints (little squares) and I can get the layers just right. Until I run the same g-code and it’s wrong again. The changes are stored on the machine to no effect.
The bed platform is tight (not too tight). the x gantry is leveled. The bed is clean. The bed has had bed adhesive used. no dice. How can I fix this? I have zero adhesion unless the z offset is way too close. The elephant foot is insane it’s so close even with slicer compensation. Combined the machine is unusable without 15-30 minutes wasted between manually editing the mesh data, correcting the z-offset and running a bed level test print.
This isn’t my first machine. My old E3 is heavily modded and works great. Aside from the time when the tinned leads (I didn’t think people did that anymore…) arced and melted the motherboard power terminals (different problem).
I’ve been looking for a solution to this issue for 6 months. It’s gotten tiresome.
please, someone help.