Head stuck in filament - need help

I have my K1 max for some month now.
Everything was fine since today. It seems that the filament got out before the end of the nozzle.
(See the video).

What can I do ?
Do you think I need to activate the warranty ?

Thanks a lot

Blob of death, the nozzle might have come loose and it extruded out of the top or material backed up under the sock. I don’t think you need to activate warranty, this sort of thing happens sometimes in this hobby. You should be able to heat the nozzle and tease the blob off and clean it up, careful of the wires, they can be easily be broken and would need a new parts. Is this the older extruder? They are unicorn nozzles now and this shouldn’t happen.

Thanks a lot.
Brillant name, it totally describe the situation.

Your message gave me the confidence to fix it.
I used a heat gun to soften some part. Two hours later everything was “clean”.
It was a unicorn nozzle,maybe it was a bit loose. This time it very tight, hopefully it won’t happen ever again.

Thanks a lot for your prompt answer. Have a nice day

Hello again,
after some tries it appears I have some issues after this big problem.
everything seems to be “clean” but when i try some extrusions, the first one is usually ok, the second one too but the third one nothing come out and we can hear a “put put put put” sound comming from the head. it seems the filament is stuck and can’t get out. If I manually push it, it works ok.
Does someone has an idea of what to do next.

Thanks a lot