Hotend says -14 degrees

just installed the direct drive and my printer screen says -14 degrees. When I tried to preheat it says Mintemp. I have double checked the thermistor sensor and it looks properly mounted. When I unplug it off the board the ender-3 and turn it on it still says -14.

Don’t overtighten the thermistor screw, it should be just nipped tight enough to hold into position. Try loosening the screw and retry, done it myself with my Ender 5 plus.

just tried that and I tried reseating the thermistor.

Hello Jedi_Snails,

Do you have a multimeter ? if so, check what resistance you have across the plug coming from the thermistor.


I do and it was jumping around alot sometimes at like 86, 95, and sometimes way high like in 100s. I also checked pins on the board and tjey were at 5.5.

Hello Jedi_Snails,

The resistance (ohms) should not jump around; it will vary depending on the temperature, but slowly.
I have not had reason to check the resistance of the thermistor myself but would imagine it to be around 10k ohms ?
When you say,“86, 95, and sometimes way high”, what reading are you referring to … ohms/kohms/meg ohms ?
If you have the meter probes connected to the lead from the thermistor and the readings are going up/down erratically then the cable is faulty or the thermistor it self.


just installed new thermistor… same results. Ready to trash this printer.