Hello, my K2 extruder head fan the small one over the rail , is running continously is there a way when the printer is idle to stop it ? G-code or other ?
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I have the same issue, did you find a solution yet? The extruder motor fan, which I believe is the one at the top of the extruder, always runs. Worse, it has a high pitched whine to it, making it annoying on an otherwise quite printer when the door is shut.
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So, interestingly enough, my father-in-law also has a K2. His extruder fan turns off. It also responds to the on/off “Extruder Fan” toggle in Fluidd. But mine does not.
Nope, and it seems it is not bothering other people than us…loll
Creality sent me a new extruder board. That solved the problem, and now the extruder motor fan is off when the printer starts and is fully controllable via Fluidd. The fan is still loud, but at least it’s not running when the printer is idle!
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