Hello everyone, I have already done a search but I did not find answers.
In summary, since this morning, my k1c prints only the first layer of an object and then no longer extrudes.
use pla + sunlu and until now I had not had problems.
If I stop and start again, always the same.
Do you have any advice?
thks a lot
How does the model look in the slicer? Does it continue printing without extruding or does it completely stop after the first layer? Have you tried a previous succesful print (to see if the problem is in the gcode file).
You can attach the model, so we can take a look at it.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
So, the model looked perfect in the slicer. it wasn’t my own production, i found it on Thingiverse. the printing continued without filament extrusion.
In the previous prints, some worked and others don’t.
first of all i thought it depends on filament. Maybe the spool i have been using was moisty or something like this.
Spool changed, same result.
then i thought that the print file was corrupted, but for a lot of people worked great.
the only thing clear to me was the link with the increasing of speed after the first layer.
Extruder disassembled and cleaned. Nothing.
Finally i tried to clean also the nozzle, but again it still doesn’t worked.
So, at the end of the story i changed the nozzle with a brand new one.
it seems works now, but i’m not totally convinced by this cause…
Still not working.
i think there is a problem whit the extruder.
Are you able to push filament through manualy? What happens when you choose “extract” from the menu of the printer? Does the printer push out filament?
… the file you have downloaded is a STL-file, you create the GCODE-file with you slicer. Sometimes people change settings and forget what they have done, resulting in bad prints… solution = re-install slicer software…
If you have used materials that melt at higher temperatures than the one you are using now, some of that material can still be in the nozzle, to get it out, pre-heat the nozzle to a higher temperature and push through material manualy, hoping the old stuff goes out…
If that doens’t help, then there is maybe something wrong with the extruder.
At work we use a K1 Max, that started extruding badly… checked everything (changed nozzle, heatblock) nothing helped. Then we removed the extruder, one of the bearings of the gear had much play and therefor the printer was nog able to push thought material caused by slippings gears over filament. We ordered a new set of gears with bearings, waiting for those to arrive.
as you know, the k1 doesn’t push out filament clearly. I don’t really know wich would be the right way. But i changed the nozzle yesterday.
in case of settings error, i can imagine a bad quality of printing in general, but not the fact that the printer stop extruding suddenly.
these days i’m using same material. PLA plus Sunlu. With my previous printer (an Atillery Genius), it works great.
If that doens’t help, then there is maybe something wrong with the extruder.
i think the same, but i removed the extruder again, fully disassembled, checked, cleaned and reinstalled.
nothing change. last option i tried, i had a full extruder as spare. I installed it this afternoon.
i hope it works, but i’m not shure because the previous one look perfect…