New computer not working with Creality Falcon2 22w

I replace my laptop recently. I have tried everything I can possibly think of and cannot get my Falcon2 22w to work with my laptop. In frustration yesterday I plugged in my old laptop I had been using and it worked perfect with the laser. So I’ve definitely ruled everything thing out except some connection problem with the new computer.

Updated firmware on the frame and laser module-yes

Driver on laptop updated when installing Lightburn

It had originally been giving me alarm 3. Now I’m getting alarm 3 and alarm 8.

It barely marks the wood when engraving or cutting. The air sounds like it doesn’t know what to do. It homes all the way to the right when done and banged 3 time before stopping.

It does none of this when I switch to my old laptop that is falling apart.

New laptop- Windows 11, 32 ram, 1g hard drive, Intel Core i7 processor, and I’m using a brand new data usb cable (it’s not the cable as it works on the old computer fine)