Newbie question

Hi all
Just got the printer and am obviously having challenges as a newbie to 3D printing.
I purchased a Harley model from 3D Printable Shop. When I slice the model the preview shows the bike upright but when I send it to the printer the printer screen shows the bike on its side and the printing is an abortion. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Did you use supports when slicing, a bike would require supports. Supports are structure printed to assist in the printing of parts that hang in mid air , these are removed after the print is finished. There are heaps of videos on slicing on youtube and it worth the time to view a few and get some ideas. Heres one I did

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I would have thought a bike would be made of many bits like this one

The good model are sperated

Just to get better info…

What slicer are you using…?
Are you using an stl or 3mf file in that slicer…?

Using Creality Print…??
What you might try to do as this model is complex with a lot of parts is to split it up like this…

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Thank you!

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Not sure what version Harley model you got but sure would be interesting to see your progress and how it comes out…
Some of those parts look challenging…