Hi all, I’m new to this lark and after a start with no problems my ender 3 v3 se has started to not feed properly and so the extruded filament just stops and so now i cannot get anything to print not even the line at the side the pre print if you will. I’ve changed the inside of the feed mechanism and checked that the filament goes through all the way to the nozzle I’ve also changed the hot end and the heat break to fix this but still nothing, I’m a bit out of my depth now as when i use the extruded command the printer centers at the home position and it did extruded i then tried to print a small item to see if I’d fixed it but it just did the same, do i need the hot end sock or can i do away with it, the settings shown when it was printing this morning were, plate 64, nozzle 194 and the z offset was 2.00 this after the printer ran the auto level program, sorry it’s a bit long but I’ve tried to put as much info in as possible in case someone can help, thanks John