I have just bought a new laptop and have downloaded Creality Print V4.3.6 as before. I prepare everything just as I always have done and export the G-Code to my SD card. When I put the SD card into the 3 - V3 SE printer and select print, all I get on the screen is “blank” for the estimated time, fliament used and layer height info and the printer starts immediately i press confirm, no warming up etc, but nothing actually prints out.
However if I use one of the saved G-Codes on the SD card that I had previously prepared on my old laptop, then the screen reads as normal and the printer warms up and then when the bed and filament temps are to the set figure, the model prints as normal.
Im assuming therefore that its either sonething to do with the creality print software I have downloaded or my new laptop. I have tried both the V4.3.6 version which is the one I have always used and also the new V5.1 version of print.
Please does anyone have any ideas as I’m getting very frustrated to say the least!
Thank you.
Long shot. Maybe you are not savng the new files as g code? Im guilty of that. Else try the new creality print 5.0 ?
Hi and thank you for taking the time to reply. I have deleted the program completely and found the original download files from when I first got the printer and now it works (the 4.6 version). I downloaded 5.1 but that still doesn’t work although I haven’t played around with it much as I’m happy using 4.6.
Thanks again.
On my V3SE+sonic pad I have kept the 4.3.8 version, that printer doesn’t like 5.1 at all. Tried 4.3.9 beta, 5.0 and 5.1, all fail to print properly so it shall remain as 4.3.8.
I had the same issue when I re-installed Windows 11 when I installed version 5.1 or 5.x. Only after I reverted it back to version 4.x did things print normal again. At this point, I don’t plan on using 5.x.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I’ve decided to stick to 4.6 for as long as possible and not touch any of the “5” versions!!!