Hi. I have just upgraded my Ender 3 v3 se y axis to ball bearing rails as print bed was not solidly fixed. Now the install is complete I am getting an error 2022 plus the print head is fouling the print bed during the calibration sequence. I am relatively new to 3d printing and need all the help I can get.
Fitted linear rails on my V3SE with no errors. Is your y limit switch activating, read of some people where it wasn’t.
Thanks for the response. Having had a second, longer look at the issue it turns out I mad a real newbie error in that I hadn’t looked at the nozzle since that wasn’t disturbed during the fit of the linear rails. Turns out there was a blob of previously melted filament on the nozzle preventing the cr touch from activating and during the process of removing the blob I found the nozzle was loose! No idea how that happened but suffice to say a new nozzle has been fitted with the hot end at temperature and all is now well with the printer. Again thanks for your response. If you know anything about firmware for an upgraded Ender 3 I may need your help in the near future.