Print settings for built-in models

I have an Ender-3 v3 Plus. The vast majority of my prints require a brim to maintain adhesion, in addition to turning down 1st layer speeds way down.
I printed their “built-in” model for the camera mount, and the thing prints at full speed, no brim or raft, and has perfect adhesion. Why?
So I wanted to find out if there’s a way to actually load that model into Creality Print v6 so I can see what they’re doing?
Where are those models located?

AFAIK, you don’t have access to the 3D files, what is on the USB are the G-code files. You can look at the G-code. Here’s a small sample of a chunk of one of the files in a text editor. As you can see, they are setting all the parameters at the start of the print. This happens to be the Delta filament barrel base_Hyper PLA_49m.gcode file. Note that there are a couple of graphic files in hex at the very start of the G-code, those are what is displayed on the control panel when you display the contents of the USB drive.

;Creality Print GCode Generated by CXEngine
;Creality Print Version : V4.3.8.6660
;CXEngine Release Time:2023-10-12 15:45:15
;Gcode Generated Time:2023-10-16 10:40:46
;----------Machine Config--------------
;Machine Name:K1C
;Machine Height:250
;Machine Width:220
;Machine Depth:220
;Material Type:PLA
;Material Name:Hyper PLA_1.75
;Number of Extruders:1
;ExtruderParams[0] Nozzle Diameter:1000
;----------Profile Config---------------
;Wall Thickness:0.87
;Top/Bottom Thickness:0.8
;Out Wall Line Width:0.42
;Inner Wall Line Width:0.45
;Inital Height:200
;Wall Line Count:3
;Infill Line Distance:4.5
;Infill Pattern:grid
;Infill Sparse Density:20
;Infill Wipe Distance:0.11
;Print Temperature:220
;Bed Temperature:45

Thanks for that. However, my USB only has the STL files.
The files I’m talking about are in Creality Print, when you go to the ‘Device’ tab, there are several models pre-loaded. Such as the camera mount.
Any idea where those gcodes are located? I’ve gone thru the entire directory tree for the app but can’t find those.