What can I do for Ender 3 V3 SE calibration (in addition to E-Steps)?

Can anyone help me with some setup and calibration issues for an Ender 3 V3 SE?

I have 2 issues:

  1. The major issue is calibrating so that parts are dimensionally accurate and have a better fit? Either the X, Y, and Z steps are off, or the flow rate isn’t right and it’s over/under extruding, or something else like that. I’d like to print things that assemble together, or larger items that are multi-part. Basically anything that fits together doesn’t fit well, the holes are too tight, and/or the posts are too large.
  2. The lesser issue is that everything I print has a few fine wisps of filament blowing off them like super thin cobwebs. I never got that on the Ender 2 Pro with the same filament.

Is there a good calibration tutorial that someone can recommend? That would save me some time. Otherwise I’m just trolling through the internet looking for good advice.

I already updated my E-steps (I found that it was extruding too much). After doing that, things still do not fit together right so there is more to do. What else should I look for?
Thank you

You can work on your flow rate calibration, and also use the ‘X Y compensation setting’ in the quality settings to get things to fit.

That sounds along the lines of non-dry filament.
Also, are you printing exactly the same files that you printed with the Ender2 Pro ? … Same slicer (and version) ?


Thanks for the reply. I’ve had the filament in a dryer so I don’t think it’s that. I might need to reinstall an older version of Cura and see if that works better. That’s the remaining difference.

I found a good description of how to calculate and update the flow rate, so I’ve done that, but so far I have not found a good guide to understanding the X & Y compensation settings. Do you know of any tutorials or videos that explain it?