A must-see for cool props creation and cosplay lovers at ShareFest in Chicago! 🎭✨

A must-see for cool props creation and cosplay lovers at sharefest in Chicago! :performing_arts::sparkles:

Join YouTube Master PropMaker SaturdayMorningProps, Dylan O’Connell, as he shares his journey from hobbyist to pro, how the Ender 3 is the perfect starting point for creators, and tips on using the K1 Max for impressive props like Iron Man suits! :mechanical_arm:

:link: Register Now: www.creality.com/pages/sharefest-chicago-2024

:clock1: Time: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM (CST)

:round_pushpin: Venue: 2357 S Wentworth Ave, Chicago, IL 60616, USA (Hotel Conference Room)