About the Creality Ender-3 Max & Pro & Neo category

Dedicated section for the Creality Ender-3 Max Neo, Ender-3 Neo, Ender-3, Ender-3 Pro, Ender-3 Max and all topics related to these models.

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I’m new o this forum so please bear with me if i’m asking the wrong questions in the wrong category!!
Does anyone know the maximum speed that the Ender=3 Max Neo can be pushed to?


I saw someone push it to 150mm/s with Klipper. My V2 Neo does 50mm/s stock but by the time I update it for Klipper and add an enclosure along with new heatbed and all metal print head I could buy two K1’s or one K1 Max if you include my time screwing with the Neo… and don’t forget to add the second Z motor, direct drive extruder, X and Y linear rails!