Any Slicer Custom Support Generation

Does anyone know if we can generate custom supports in any (mainstream) slicer? I have square 100x3.2mm projects I need to support on the very edges and not the entire print. Tree supports worked well in keeping it stable but limit my seam options which ruin the print. Is there a drag and drop supports option to place them exactly where I need them?


You can put custom supports in with Creality print 5.0.

This video is excellent for explaining the new support “painting” feature in Creality Print 5.0

I’m a bit afraid to run 5.0 due to some of the comments from those who use it. I finally have my KE playing nice after 4 months of constant tweaking and experimenting (and from your and @jimandyen’s help) for what I’m consistently printing. I don’t want to get depressed and stressed if too many bugs exist in it. I only have this one printer and use it fairly regularly plus I’m doing a photo exhibition and want to introduce Lithophanes to our audience so I need consistency. How’s your experience?

Thank you for this video! I’m a visual guy not so much a reader :wink:

The video helped me also. I run both versions of Creality print on this PC. Only using 5.0 version to learn about it. Unfortunately the way it’s set up you have to basically start all over learning how to use it. I wished they had used Adobe’s approach and not made huge changes to the UI and layout all at once when there were updates… The older version I still use for slicing.

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you won’t be needing paint on supports so stick with the earlier version. I don’t like 5 and there is an updated Cura which seems to play nicer than it used to with my Ender 5 plus.

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I thought as much. Thanks.

Sometimes my Lithophanes run over 127mm height x 3.2mm (thickness) printed vertically and although I can mostly print them perfectly without supports or reprints, anything larger would benefit tremendously from minimal end supports. There’s nothing worse then having 90% perfect and that last 10% all out of wack because the print started to wobble. I was hoping to paint end supports to minimize movement and also print a bit faster. Tree supports work well but it uses up almost as much filament if not more than the print!