Any success with Cura Extension "Pause at Height" on Ender-3 V3?

When I try to use Cura’s Extension “Pause at Height”, when the print gets to the target layer, the print head moves away, then returns immediately (no pause), a few seconds later I get a 2111 error.

Anyone have success doing this? If so, please send a copy of the “Pause at height” settings.

Cura also has an extension “Change Filament” which I have not yet tried…


I have only used Creality Print 5 and Orca with my Ender 3 V3 and after slicing I move the slider to the layer/height I want and add a Pause there, then slice again. All the slicer has to do is add PAUSE at the layer, nothing else, then you can do filament swap using extrude/retract from control panel, then hit the play/pause icon and resume the print

That should be easy to do, Cura has the ability to add GCODE before and after, so I can insert the PAUSE.

p.s. It appears that I’ve configured Cura to insert an M0, which is a user stop, which sounds similar to a PAUSE. Not sure why M0 is not being interpretted correctly by the Ender-3 V3…

Thanx for your reply.

Are you setting the layer to change filament using the setup in cura? If so, cura inserts M600 in the g_code. Creality version of klipper does not recognize M600. To use this you will have to add the M600 macro to the print.cfg or gcode_macro.cfg file.

[gcode_macro M600]
{% set X = params.X|default(50)|float %}
{% set Y = params.Y|default(0)|float %}
{% set Z = params.Z|default(10)|float %}
G1 E-.8 F2700
G1 Z{Z}
G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000
G1 E-50 F1000

If you version is inserting M0 then add macro below to turn the MO into a pause command.

[gcode_macro M0]


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I could not find either of the files you mentioned to add the gcode macro to in my Windows 11 Cura installation… print.cfg and gcode_macro.cfg.

I was using the “Pause at Height”, but I’ll use “Change Filament” if it works.

Attached are the settings for “Pause at Height” and “Change Filament”

The files are on the printer, (Klipper). You would need to root the printer and install moonraker and fluidd to access the config files.
