Anyone using Orca?

I’m liking this slicer (and it had a profile for the V3 Plus).
One thing that doesn’t work right is if I hit the “Upload and Print” button.
I get an error.
What I have to do is save the G code, then go to the device tab and import the file. That all works perfectly. So my printer is on the network, my camera is working, but that one feature does not work. Does this seem like a Creality problem or an Orca problem?

I use Orca on the K1C, and I have no issues like that. I don’t know if that means it’s certainly a Creality problem, however I know that Orca can do that function on a different model Creality printer.

Check the IP address to make sure it’s the same as the printer.

Make sure the drop down menu is set to Creality Print.

After you slice click on Print:

This option will open:

Yes, I realize that’s what to do. That’s how I discovered it didn’t work, but I will try changing the host type.

There ya go. Switching the host type solved it.

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My drop-down list for Host Type does not have Creality Print. How do you add that type?

Hmmm. Make sure you have the latest version…

We are using Version 2.20

Only download from the official page. There is a fake one going around on a dot net site.

Official Orca Latest Release Version 2.20

Scroll down to the end of page for downloads.

Orca added direct printing support for Creality Printers in the recent Ver. 2.20 release.
Thank you

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