bad prints/filament doesn't stick

I just got my first printer and filament and started printing but i get bad prints and mostly the first layer doesn’t stick and i have to use a glue stick to maybe get a good first line and after the first line all i get is bad lines and empty gaps, and most of the time around the mid the of the print the nozzle starts to just print mid air without touching any ideas how to fix these problems?
photos of my last 2 prints and my filament are attached

It would help to know more about your print settings? Print speed, layer height and nozzle temperature. It looks like your layers are to thick and or printing to fast but it is hard to tell from your photos.
First printer learning is always a steep curve!

I am using the standart setting that comes with cura, printing with 50/60 and nozzle temp is 200 {tried 210-220 too}. also here is a newly done print if that might give you and idea on the problems.

Check part cooling fan is working, assuming PLA it should be between 50 and 75%. Try 195c and try slowing printing down to 40/50. Stick to printing the same object during testing… Tortoise/Turtle looks like an ideal test.
Maybe print two at a time to allow layer cooling.

sorry forgot to note, if i go below 200temp the filament piles up in the tip of the nozzle without sticking to the surface so i would assume its too cold for it, cooling fan seems to be doing alright.