Bed Leveling when using Prusha Slicer

K1C bed leveling / slicer question.

I have have rooted K1C, no KAMP installed. When I use the Creality slicer, the machine hardly ever does a full bed mesh at the start of the print (if ever, I can’t really recall, as I prefer to occasionally manually create a bed mesh when changing plates etc).

I’m wanting to use Prusha Slicer so I can use the same slicer for all my (different) printers.

When I send a print job from Prusha Slicer, the K1C does a bed mesh on EVERY print, which is time wasting IMHO.

I’ve compared the gcode output between the two slicers and can’t see any difference that would account for the bed mesh routing happening (or not).

Does anyone know what gcode (or other mechanism) triggers the K1C to do a mesh?

I’m new to 3D printing with a K1. I’ve noticed that before each print it (appears to be) doing a bed mesh. I’m not familiar with that term or procedure but it does seem like a waste to do before every print.
Did you find out anything more about controlling that?

If you are starting a print with the menu on the printer screen you need to uncheck the “Calibration” button. This will tell the printer not to run a calibration before the print.
The printer will do a homing check before each print however…

I’m not familiar with how the Prusa slicers work so I can’t help in that area… :slightly_frowning_face:

@jimandyen I do have that unchecked so it must be the “homing check” that I’m seeing. The calibration routine is much longer to perform. So the term, “bed mesh” is referring to a bed calibration?

Something like:-
G29; mesh bed leveling, comment this code to close it

That is from my Qidi Slicer which is basically Prusa Slicer (printer settings>custom gcode). I delete the G29 line out of all my slicers and it doesn’t auto calibrate.

Yes. Looks like this. The printer uses that data to compensate for unevenness.

If you type in in your browser you’ll see it… (x’s are your printer’s address)

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Didn’t know you could do that. Same view as in Creality Print but it has the bed mesh.

Something I learned on this forum which is why it’s great to share to help others.

I don’t start a print from the printer screen menu, I generally just send to printer from the slicer direct.

There is no G29 being generated by either Creaity or Prusha slicer, hence I’m puzzled why it now wants to do a bed level at the start of every print (it did not previously do this when I was just using the Creality slicer).

Have not figured this out just yet!