Bed levelling and inconsistent print quality

Desperately looking for help before I scrap my printer!

I have an Ender 3 V2 with a number of modifications, spec is as follows:

  1. Main board is version 4.2.2
  2. Bed springs and thumb wheel adjsuters upgraded
  3. Creality SPrite Pro Extruder added
  4. BLTouch
  5. Creality textured PEI build plate
  6. Latest version of Klipper installed (on Raspberry Pi 3B)
  7. Latest version of Fluidd and Moonraker installed
  8. KAMP installed

This is the procedure I follow to level the bed and set the Z offset:

  1. Using the SCREW_TILT_CALCULATE macro to manually level the build plate with the 4 screws
  2. Use the PROBE_CALIBRATE macro to set the initial z offset using a 0.04mm feeler gauge
  3. Print a single layer test print at the centre of the build plate and use the controls in Fluidd until I get what looks like the best first layer and save the settings
  4. Perform a bed mesh calibrate (global not yet using KAMP)
  5. Print the single layer test print in the centre of the build plate again.
  6. Print the single layer test print in the front left corner of the build plate.

After step 6 is where things go pear shaped and the test print in the front left of the build plate fails completely. Then when I try the test print in the centre of the build plate again it works but the final print is nowhere near as good as it was during setup.

I cannot get any consistency between prints or between different areas of the build plate. I use a small test print in various locations on the build plate as I cannot get a standard test print that covers the entire build plate to build! It invariable fails away from the centre.

I have repeatedly performed the manual bed levelling ( even using a dial indicator) and I am confident that it is as level as it possible could be!

I have spent the last 3 or 4 days trying to get this to work but have failed miserably! I have checked the printer over and gone back through the assembly instructions to make sure everything is installed and adjusted correctly. I have had mixed success with this printer previously but had not used it for several months and this issue started when I came to use it again and decided to re-calibrate it again as it had been idle for so long!

I’m at the stage now where I am seriously contemplating binning it and giving up on 3D printing so, can anyone help me here. Am I doing something wrong or am I missing something? I’m about as frustrated as I could possibly get with this now. What and why are things changing between prints? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

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