Hello. New here. Sorry in advance if I sound like I don’t know what I am doing (I totally don’t).
My son got an Ender 3 and we have printed 2 things and now unbeknownst to me how it happened, the bed isn’t high enough to meet the extruder so we can’t print anything. Is there a way to lift the bed up?
The filament just worms out as there is too much space. I have tightened underneath but they just twist fully off and still isn’t high enough. There is still about 5mm give or take between the bed and the extruder.
I hope some of this makes sense to someone who knows how to help.
Really hoping I don’t have to take it apart and re put together. It was painful the first time I did it. Haha.
Thanks in advance from a clueless mum.
You need to get nozzle to meet bed. Its called the z height. You can do this from the screen control. 5mm pretty big though.
To change the Z height (also called Z offset) on an Ender 3 V3, navigate to the “Control” menu on the printer’s display, then select “Bed Leveling” and adjust the “Probe Z Offset” value to raise or lower the nozzle relative to the print bed; a more negative value brings the nozzle closer to the bed, while a positive value moves it further away.
Key points to remember:
Access the menu: Go to the “Control” section on the LCD screen.
Find Z offset setting: Select “Bed Leveling” and then “Probe Z Offset”.
Adjust the value: Use the numerical controls to change the Z offset value.
Positive vs. negative: A more negative value brings the nozzle closer to the bed, while a positive value moves it further away.
Not sure if all the above is perfectly correct .That is the blah that ai search gave me