Beginning Tips for you first Print.

I just finished setting up my Ender-3 and I need some help getting started. Are there any beginner tips that would be helpful to begin your first print?

I need help getting started on my first print and I don’t know what to do. What should I do and how do I get started?

Which Ender 3 is it? Does it carry out an automatic bed mesh? First to print something that is small like a Benchy or calibration cube. You may find that the first layer has trouble adhering, most likely you’ll need to dial in the z-offset. Once you get the first layer dialled in you should able to print anything. The filament printing temperature should be written on the reel, this isn’t a bad starting place.

It is just called “Ender-3”

Yes, It does.

Is there any other good beginner tips

Could you post a picture of your Ender 3…? We could narrow it down to which one you have. They all have some different capabilities as there are many variations…