Is the overhang on the front of the benchy enough to need support?? I’ve tried to print several, and it’s gets the same spot, every time!! Is it something other than support?? Thanks!
What model of printer?
What temperature and speed are you printing at?
What filament are you using?
Which slicer?
A missing heatsock will do this type of print, is yours missing or damaged?
It’s a Max Neo. It does the same whether I use prusa, or creality slicer. And it’s printing at 200*. Standard pla filament.
I’ll check the heat sock. How does the heat sock cause that? I appreciate the tip!
Temperature fluctuations. Also if the cooling is not right it can happen, had a fan go down and it printed awful like that.
Ahhhh. I never would have thought of that. I’ve got a standard ender 3 also… Do you know if it will work on my neo, if it’s torn?
Get some new socks, they are cheap and expendable.
Yeah, I’ll do that! Maybe that will help! And it does it, whether I use prusa, or creality slicer, so that’s why I was wondering if it was something other than a setting. But, it always does it in the same place… Is that just because of the shape, and angles, that it’s more sensitive to changes in that spot?
Is your auxiliary fan working properly and blowing at the nozzle?
You know… I’ve wondered that myself. Does it only come on if the temperature gets too high?
On mine it comes on on the second layer, regardless of temperature, but it can be set in the slicer I think.
I’ll keep a close eye on it. I’m about to make a test cube.
the 200* is this temperature or speed? If speed then you are printing to fast. The original ender3 series including the neo should not exceed 60 mm/s.
I’m sorry! 200 degrees, at 100mm/s
I would increase the temperature to 210 c. Also print a temperature tower with range from 200 to 220 c to find the best temperature for the filament you are using at the selected speed.
I’ll give that a try! Thank you!
FWIW A Benchy should never need supports anywhere. It’s a test/calibration piece designed to show up any issues.
Kinda what I thought! Lol. Turns out that silk i got likes 190*!