[BUG] Creality Print 5.1 ...Printing by Object : Too Tall / Collision Error. Work around?

its the slicer… I suspect @Creality is using a old slicer code base that has tons of bugs. Creality needs to only use Orca or Bambu main branch and submit PRs for it to add Creality specific stuff. Let the real slicer experts develop the main code.

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Same here…

When printing one at a time, there’s a height limit for the models. The distance from the bottom of the X-axis gantry to the extruder nozzle is 24mm. This setting helps prevent the X-axis from moving and hitting a completed model.

If you need to print taller models, you’ll need to manually adjust the settings and the order of the filament. This way, the X-axis gantry won’t hit the model while printing.


If you print the tall object LAST there is NO WAY to hit any other completed model!

That worked in 4 and too close error is ok(X), but too tall(Z) is NOT OK.

So please fix this!

I understand that this may be because of “basic” users and this should be only in advanced option.

Thank you.

and there is another error if you deleted smaller object, you still can not slice and print the only one object :slight_smile: