Maximum Height we can print using multi-object? I’ve tried several models, and CP5.1 tells me they are all too tall.
The attached screenshot shows two objects, printing using different colors : each 110m tall & 59mm wide
In the example, I thought I could print the first one at the front of the bed, the second at the back and the X Axis would never hit, nor would the printer lid.
I tested this in Orca and Orca works perfectly fine. Screenshots showing Orca and CP5.1
Please advise on how to fix this in the printer settings… and please fix this on the next release. Thank you!
Are you wanting to print one at a time because you want to colour change? If they are both the same colour print them both at the same time. I don’t know the max height for print by object.
Doubt you can do that on a K2 Plus. Head moves around to much to clean and change etc, would probably hit any object completed while starting the next.
Why would it be exposed in CP5.1 if it does not work? If its a bug, where is the bug documented?
2 colors, one per object… as I stated in the first post. BUT that is not relevant since the problem is with the height and the slicer’s lack of understanding of print order and x-axis movement
Only 2 things matter 1/ Lid height 2/ X-Axis movement.
1/ If the front object will not hit the lid
2/ X-Axis will not hit the front object
… then CP should allow the slicer to slice the plate
I understand but there are about 5 Creality Print versions 5.1 all have different bugs and issues so you have to be specific on what version you are using… Creality Print Versions
Though that was based on my V3KE bedslinger. Fired up Orcaslicer and it did complain until I did autoarrange, based that on my Qidi Q1Pro which is a smaller build plate than the K2plus. Simple answer is ignore CP5.1 for now.
I did but that was in Orca and Qidi Studio (basically Orca in another dress). Creality print was sliced for a V3KE bedslinger so the z height is not so important as it is for a core XY machine. Still worth a try mind.
It is also not specific to the K2…it happens with the KE and V3. I forget at which update it stopped working, but it is a recent ‘feature upgrade’ that broke it.