Looking for a replacement cable that goes from the LiDAR sensor to the main board. The short 4-pin black cable. Creality Support told me to purchase a new $75 sensor.
no one?? surprised I am the only person with this problem/inquiry
Hello @teers …!
Welcome to the Creality Forum…!
It’s actually a 5 pin connector. You might have to DIY one yourself.
I don’t have it front of me now but Search for JST MX 1.25MM Connectors and 26gauge wire. Some are kits and some are already put together. Always good to have spare parts anyways…
I’ve bought some 4 pin connectors for a runout sensor to make an extension and it worked ok…
What happened to yours…?
I had some problems with my hotend maintaining temps. One of the wires broke on the sensor cable from the frequent connect/disconnect that’s required. I’ve since removed the small piece of plastic from the faceplate that makes contact with the cable but have been down a printer for a few weeks as Creality does not have a direct replacement.
I’ve been searching for Micro JST SH 5-pin female to female.
Do you have any links to specific items I’d need? The nomenclatures of micro vs JST SH or JST MX seems a bit confusing. There’s also a pitch rating?
Just FYI… I’ve been running my K1 Max with the LiDar removed for awhile now with no issues or errors. I had taken it off for a nozzle change or something and never put it back on…
Someone else mentioned they removed theirs as well. However, I get an error when I attempt to print without it that prevents use.
I don’t have the menu in front of me at the moment but on the printer screen you have to turn off all the camera detection functions I believe…
From what i see, its a 4 pins connector to the mainboard (may be can bus or usb), but there is also a 5 pin connector on the other side to the lidar and/or for a bl/crtouch
The Lidar seems only used when you print with calibration checked from creality print 5.1… That draw some zig zag on the left of the bed and the inspect the extrusion… It’s a bit weird, only happened one time here. Unsure if the kind of qrcode on the left is used for other tests…