Good day. I needed to print in two different colors on Ender 3 S1 with Sonic Pad. I found information on how to add the M600 command to the config so that Klipper would understand that I want it to pause to change the filament. But for some reason, when I add a macro to the config file and click save with reboot, I get an error that the M600 command has been added again, but it is nowhere else and the command is not duplicated. Therefore, I have to delete this command and when printing I get an error that swears at some crazy coordinate values. Maybe there is some other way to accustom the firmware to this command? I would be grateful for your help.
I have the same problem. Ender 3 s1 pro + sonic pad
I decided to simply insert the PAUSE command in G-Code instead of M600 for now. During the pause, I simply change the plastic, squeeze out the old one, and printing continues normally.
The latest firmware release for the sonic pad has M600 included , not as a macro in a cfg file. Therefore you will receive an error if you add the M600 macro to printer.cfg. To pause the printer, insert M600 at the required layer or type M600 and the command prompt when filament change is required.
The M600 in the sonic pad does not work correctly, the error is exorbitant values. Changing these settings in the slicer does not change the situation.
To remove extrusion error need adding M83 to Before g-code and M82 E0 to Affter g-code