CFS unit

Can the CFS sit on a shelf above the machine? Not sure how long the cables are on the unit. But I have a metal shelving unit and the k2 would fit perfectly on the shelf but CFS would need to.go.above the unit somi and close the lid.

Don’t have mine yet.

From video revews and measurements etc, the cables and the bowden tubes are quite short. Obviously there are longer ones available to buy or make, though that will make changes longer! Also a shelf above should not restric removing the glass lid for maintenance and using/connecting the side reel.

Am now thinking i will put both my CFS units to one side…

Hi Ryan, You can use the following cables on your CFS, I have the 1500mm one. Creality dont sell them yet:,scm-url:1007.14452.396806.0,pvid:d21ea970-c8ce-47bd-896a-46dbe1156e14,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238115%232000&pdp_npi=4%40dis!AUD!12.79!12.79!!!59.02!59.02!%402101c80217319261747458829e4761!12000043221107148!rec!AU!862889977!X&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller|query_from%3A&search_p4p_id=20241118023614782809501746331634439_2

I have similar questions…

  1. Do we need to change any settings to accommodate the new Bowden tube length?
  2. How far can we install the CFS unit?
  3. @3D4Everyone, is the cable you shared compatible with the K2 as well?


Length makes no differance to settings, however, the longer the tubes the longer it will take for each change.

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You dont need to change any settings , the filament sensors control everything, distance just means it adds to the filament change time. Yes the cable is compatible with the K2, the 6pin to 6pin is the one you need. There is a 6pin to 4pin one around, you dont want that one.

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Thanks @MettaUK , @3D4Everyone , it makes sense.
I can’t wait to get my K2 Plus, though …


Its a great printer, the best one Creality has produced in my opinion

HOW you installed two CFSs? I have 3…

Daisy chain them together then connect one end to the socket at the base of the printer and one to the four port PTFE changer block thing.