Connecting Falcon2 40W to Raspberry Pi 2W

Dear Support team & forum members,

  • I have Raspberry Pi Zero 2W up and running, and connected to Creality 10W module.
  • Kindly note that the small Creality controller box that we get along with the 10W laser ( works fine and allows the USB port to be always connected to Raspberry Pi whenever turning on Creality10W.

But, when I tried to use Falcon2 40W with Raspberry Pi Zero 2W:

  • I’m facing difficulty with Power ON sequence of Falcon2 and RaspberryPi
  • This sequence WORKS FINE : Power ON Falcon2 first and then when status LED shows GREEN, then connect USB to Raspberry Pi
  • This sequence DOES NOT WORK : Connect the USB to Raspberry Pi first, and then POWER ON Falcon2 => falcon2 appears frozen and the status LED stays WHITE in color and DOES NOT turn GREEN and machine does not respond to any commands.

Unfortunately, in my case, I need to keep the USB always connected to Raspberry Pi and then turn ON Falcon2 anytime i want. This seems to be an issue.
Is this any defect in the Falcon2 hardware/firmware ? (I’m seeing that Raspberry Pi works fine with Creality10W module)

Thanks and regards,