Is there a faster way to get customer service from Creality than using email? After 11 successful prints, my machine shredded a belt, drove the nozzle into the bed and tore itself apart. Needless to say, I’m not happy. Playing email tag is the last thing I want to do right now.
Which printer? I had a failed print on a V3SE, the “spaghetti” caught in the belt drive and snapped, needed a new belt. I keep a spare now.
I was able to get ahold of them last night on WhatsApp. It’s an Ender 3 V3. There’s some kind of alignment issue on one of the belts. It rides off the guide and rubs against the gantry frame. It eventually bound up and caused a catastrophic failure. Replacement belt, tensioner assembly, and build plate are on the slow boat now. 10-15 business days to get here. /sigh