I connected laser engraver(500mW) directly to the fan power with
DC/DC stepdown converter from 24V to 5V(my laser voltage).
I encountered a few problems:
- The GRBL code uses M3/M4/M5 commands and fan using M106/M107.
- The movement of the head with the laser on (G1) and off (G0) is synchronized with laser.
The fan only supports M106 S(0-255), and this command is asynchronous.
Additionally, the PWM duty cycle is unacceptable.
The only option left is to turn it on and off, this works good enough for me.
I wrote a python script for post-processing gcode after LaserGRBL.
Everything works, but the speed is slow.
Is there other way to control other outputs synchronously with this main board and FW?
and few examples: