CP 60.0.1078- Cannot send model to printer- Error

This is the first time this has happened since updating to CP6, I am trying to send the model to the K1 printer and I keep getting this asian error message and I don’t know what it means and why the model is not printing. The printer is online and ready.

Running on Windows 11.
Using WiFi connectivity.
Printer responds via its IP- I can see the printer GUI via the browser.
I had to save the project to USB and copy it to the printer this way in order to get it to print.

I took a screenshot, zoomed in to the Chinese message and let Google Lens loose on it. I get the following translation:

● The file name is too long [cannot exceed 80 characters]

Can someone explain why you get Chinese error messages if you have the English language selected?

Bad programming! Most apps which deal with multiple languages have a similar logic:
$English = “Hi there”
$Spanish = “Hola”
$Italian = “Ciao”

Check LanguageUsed
LanguageSelected = $English
Wite-Console $English

The developers must have some messages defined in their native language for say in this example, $English. Bad Quality Checking of the programming as well.

That’s worrying. I was hoping the application would format the out-going filename to suit.

The error is now fixed in It shows in English!

But how did u manage it so fix the error “The file name is too long [cannot exceed 80 characters]”?
I just can’t fix it in any way n the name of my file ofc does’t exceed that. What I could do?