CP V5.1.4.10249 Manage Filament

I wonder why the issue is not yet discussed here, but it’s impossible to add a new filament in Creality_Print V5.1.4.10249!
I have one user configuration and these default configurations:
Hyper PLA

I wanted to add a new user configuration now, but I don’t see where I can do that. There is no create button anymore!

And it’s not possible to change the name of the filament.

Also, I’m quite sure that there were some more default configurations in an older version.

I have the same issue with a K1 Max, especially after trying to add a new nozzle size. No filaments exist and none can be added. I reported this to Creality but replies and suggestions did no good for adding filaments. I have to use the older 4.3 print software to use any other nozzle besides the standard 0.4mm.

Does THIS help at all?

Hello John!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t help, because there is no “Add”-Button next to the “Manage” button like in the YT-video at 2.25 in the current software version And there is no “Create” button in the manage section like in the YT-video at 2:29.

When you look at the video I uploaded, you can see that the “Create” button is missing.

You also cannot change the name of a filament.

The whole “Manage Filament” section is completely different to older versions. I don’t know when it changed because I used my old profiles until today, but the whole section was already pretty buggy in the first CP versions I used, and I started with one of the last 4.x versions.

Heya! There are a lot of older versions in the Creality repository. Not that any are very good, but some are better than others, while some are horrible - 9904, 10249- I’m pointing at you!
I’m so done wasting time, filament, and grey matter on Creality Print. It’s Terrible Knock Off software. Uninstall it, get a copy of Orca (From the Github repository - NOT OrcaSlicer.NET !!!)
I did my 1000 hours of due diligence so you don’t have to and you can thank me later. Or you can pull your hair out, get frustrated, scream, yell, kick things, etc
Just do it

Here: a model in 3dBuilder, the best of 4 versions of Creality ShitPrint, and a new install of Orca with NO SETTINGS changed!

I had my own custom settings that I edited/tweaked to my Filaments… now they’re all gone… was there a silent update? lol
Finally got my K1C all fixed up running flawless and now my custom settings are gone … need a export to save so I can readd it …

I’d just like to thank you for posting this, as an FYI of sorts. Your bluntness motivated me to dump creality print, even if I have to reset and calibrate everything again from scratch.

I’m mostly new-ish to 3D printing, and in general I still find it loads of fun.
Still, as it became noticable quite quickly that Creality seems to have made it their sole mission to make 3D printing available to anyone - by offering relatively cheap printers - in order to subsequently make as many people as possible utterly miserable with their soulcrushingly garbage software and firmware.

Every update some random - yet integral - previously perfectly functional part gets thrown in the shredder with no readily available solution. Not only have they removed the ability to “manage” anything in “manage filament” - without updating the manual - they have now simply removed almost all filaments that were already there. Without reason, mention, or fix. I’m sick of the headaches this joke of a company gives me.

Wish I could yell at 'm, but it’s so clear they don’t give a **** that it’d be naive to think anyone might be listening.

It’s not at all intuitive and it took me a while of hunting and pecking to find it.

If you click on the green default filament, a line will pop up shing the filament description. Click on the little pencil on the left side. That will pop up the screen to select and add filaments and set parameters for new ones.

Hope that helps.