CR-10 SE Auto-Level Always Fails After the Update

After the 0.27 open-source update that introduced expert mode, my printer always fails to achieve the best results for auto-leveling. The z-offset is either too low or too high, and although I adjust expert mode manually, I cannot say the results are satisfactory. What is the point of manual leveling if a device is marketed as offering hands-free leveling? I’m not sure if this is a hardware issue, as the machine was functioning fine until the latest update.

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@CREALITY please release the source code of and so we can help troubleshoot what’s going on.

@fscar the auto Zoffset is known to be unreliable. I was not aware that it is even worse after v27. It’s the same as before on my printer.

In the meantime, this is what I do:

  • Only do the Zoffset update if really needed.
  • Place the paper , or in my case a 0.05 mm brass shim, under the bltouch probe just before the PROBE_CALIBRATE.
    That way I do not have to compensate for the thickness of the shim. I can take the nozzle down to actual 0.00
  • Measure the thickness of the single layer skirt around the part.
    Then do the final tuning in the Fluidd Web interface with the Zoffset buttons.
    I have not used the “Expert” mode manual Zoffset on the pad because it is only allowed during a print, for some bizarre reason.
  • Add a "bed mesh load profile default " in the slicer start gcode to make sure the mesh always loaded.
    There are some processes that unload the mesh , and I have a suspension it does not always get reloaded properly.


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Greetings. I bought my CR 10 SE today and noticed that when printing from Creality print over Wifi that the Z-offset would not be stable. It would either dig into the printing surface or would be too high. I have to start the print from the machine and choose calibration. I am on firmware

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I sent the gcode over wifi and start the print on machine, however, like you described, I have to adjust z-offset during print many times. I get a perfect first layer but after ten mins or so had to adjust z-offset again.

What slicer do you use? I am exprementing with rooting the printer so that I have full control over the printer settings

using creality print without root. i dont want to mess with something i dont know.

I too have this issue since the 27 update. I went to Crealitys’ site and went on the chat. The Guy there tried to claim they haven’t had any complaints regarding this issue, I told them to google it, it’s rife! Anyway, they told me to contact customer support via email. What a complete waste of time that was. Sent me some links on how to ensure my X-axis rail was secure/level and they would inform the technical department. In other words sod off and hope we eventually release a fix to out complete cock-up. Guess I won’t be holding my breath on a fix arriving anytime soon then. Here’s their detail response in full

Dear Customer

Hello, sorry for the bad experience

Please refer to this link to troubleshoot first

In the meantime, I will report the problem of the printer not sticking due to the firmware upgrade to the technical department.

We’ve paid extra for a CR grade machine as they’re supposed to be better built on the promise of a “perfect first layer everytime” only to be fobbed off with crap! Sorry Creality, this isn’t good enough.

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I gave up with the auto zoffset. Their source code for that feature is not even open. So we cannot help fix it.
GitHub is just a facade to claim that they are Open Source.

Collect the links to Reddit and others where the users complain. Then post it on User Voice. Apparently it’s the best place to raise issues.

I’ve been trying to find time to do it… For the sake of others that still use it…

There’s a team on Discord that rewrote the firmware for the K1 load cell board. It works waaay better.
Unfortunately on the CR10 SE the load cell is on the extruder board, not a dedicated board.

What do you set as your Z offset?

It varies machine to machine, nozzle to nozzle etc, so there’s no point trying to give you a setting, you’re only option is to manually set your offset yourself to suit your setup. Kind of defeats the object of the printer but that’s the way it is I’m afraid.

Creality has realised it’s dropped a major one with this printer and instead of trying to resolve it they’ve just buried their heads in the sand hoping it will go away. Problem for them is they’re right, people will go away, to Bambu and Prusa. This is my very last printer from Creality. They rely on customers resolving issues they created in these forums. No-one from Creality reads these things, they just set up a forum and leave us to it. So until someone stumbles across the fix and posts it, we’re all screwed I’m afraid. Typical Creality these days