CR-10S Pro V2 extruder stops turning

Hi I have a CR-10S Pro V2 that has been working great for a few years but now I am running into extruder issues. A way into the print the motor stops turning, usually around the one hour mark, but never at the same time in the same print and it does the same with different prints and also different slicers, when I stop printing and try to run extrude manually the motor turns fine. Tried changing extruder motor and it worked a couple of prints then started to act up again.
Now for the last few days it wont turn on the extruder motor at all when starting printing, can still feed and retract through the refuel option so looks like driver and motor works.
Hopefully somebody has an idea before I throw it out.

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Having the same issue… new motor did not work, new whole sprite extruder unit did not work

Hello Hans_Olav_Nordli and Chaz_Gatehouse,

In both cases is it possible to check the main board and power supply fans are ok ?

If the problem is not fan related, it it feasible to replace the mother board ?
