Hello everyone,
I’m new to the whole lasercutting topic so excuse my lack of knowledge.
I bought the CR-Laser Falcon 5W in the sale recently and can’t make it work. At first I noticed that the SD-card that comes with it with all the example files and the lightburn-file was corrupted so I had to find the files on the internet. Even with all the files on the card I couldn’t make it work, the cutter only moved all the way on the x-axis and never stopped moving his rail.
So yeah, I tried to use it via USB plugged into my PC and I finally could access the cutter. I got a error message which I could easily fix, the problem was an outdated firmware (which is weird, why does a new cutter come with an outdated firmware?). Now I could access it, it even tried to start a cut but it only moved on the x-axis again and wasn’t stopping.
I checked if the device setting was maybe at fault. I tried to do it with the imported lightburn file you normally find on the sd-card, I tried setting up a custom device, I tried the preprogrammed grbl which identifies the device as a CR-Laser Falcon. When I try to find the laser it says there’s nothing plugged into the usb-ports but I clearly can access it via Com 3 (which is funny because the only ports that can be accessed are COM 1 and COM 3 even though I have more ports than that). Though only COM 3 seems to be connected because on the other COM it says “waiting for connection”. Neither the cable nor my ports are broken, I tested it with other devices.
When I access this COM it immediately switches to “busy”, the rail is moving, the thing itself isn’t, it’s on the maximum of the x-axis but doesn’t move at all. After moving for a little while it immediately disconnects, I also get the sound like if I unplugged the usb-cable and then it immediately jumps back to “busy” and repeats it. I can’t pause it or start a cutting job.
This is what the console says (which I don’t understand):
e[0;32mI (6143) usbtiny: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0e[0m
e[0;32mI (38773) usbtiny: Line state changed! dtr:0, rst:0e[0m
e[0;32mI (38784) usbtiny: Line state changed! dtr:1, rst:0e[0m
e[0;32mI (38811) usbtiny: Line state changed! dtr:1, rst:0e[0m
e[0;32mI (38846) usbtiny: Line state changed! dtr:1, rst:1e[0m
[MSG:Using machine:ESP32S2_V1]
Grundstellung einnehmen
b dir:3 head:0
tarx=-660.000000 tary=-660.000000 xmm=-52800 ymm=-52800 xstep=-52800 ystep=-52800
e[0;32mI (1977) usbtiny: USB initialization DONEe[0m
[MSG:Grbl_ESP32 Ver 1.3a Date 20220331]
[MSG:Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4-367-gc29343eb94-dirty]
[MSG:Using machine:ESP32S2_V1]
Grbl 1.3a [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:Propagating G54 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G55 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G56 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G57 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G58 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G59 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G28 data to NVS format]
[MSG:Propagating G30 data to NVS format]
[MSG:PWM spindle Output:GPIO(37), Enbl:GPIO(38), Dir:None, Freq:1000Hz, Res:14bits]
[MSG:Laser spindle on Pin:GPIO(37), Freq:0.00Hz, Res:1bits Laser mode:$32=0]
ledc init success
timer divider:4
[MSG:Axis count 3]
[MSG:X Axis limit switch on pin GPIO(40)]
[MSG:Y Axis limit switch on pin GPIO(42)]
Grbl 1.3a [‘$’ for help]
I hope someone can help me, I’m so demotivated right now that I’m thinking about sending it back since the support isn’t answering my e-mail and I can’t find a solution.
- Angelina