Cr-Touch has stopped deploying - motherboard problem?

Hi there,

I’ve been looking around but haven’t been able to find any help for the problem I’m having. I bought a used Ender 3 S1 Pro and have been using it for about 6 months, with my only problem being that the CR Touch probe occasionally randomly deployed during prints, and if it didn’t retract again it would catch on the print, bending the probe and/or ruining the print. I’ve tried a new CR Touch and that did the same thing, but once the print has started and the probe has done it’s thing it isn’t needed so I’ve just been disconnecting it and then everything is fine.

There have been a few times where I’ve gone to start a print and the probe hasn’t deployed, so the extruder doesn’t stop and the nozzle has been forced down into the print bed, but I’m aware this happens and can see it hasn’t come down so I can turn the printer off in time before it actually hits the bed. Normally a power cycle fixes it, but not any more.

The metal rod comes down twice for the self test when I power on the printer, but never again after that. In my limited understanding of electronics, this seems like it might be an issue with the motherboard or wiring in that the message to deploy the probe is not working correctly (and had been a problem for a while) but wondered if anyone else had a similar problem before I try and order new bits.

Many thanks in advance!

Once checked the short cable for good fit i would replace the CR touch. They cost about £/$ 25 on AliExpress and a little more direct from Creality. Very easy to swap, just two screws and a connection cable.

I’ve got 2 of them and both are doing exactly the same thing. I only have 1 cable though so I guess that could be the problem. I might have one that will connect from the motherboard to the sensor rather than using the connection on the print head, so that could help narrow down where the issue is :thinking:

Hmm, a pain but open up the case and double check all the connections. It could of course be a failed ribbon from the hot end assembly. So while its open, maybe test the ribbon cable while flexing it, (In theory you only need to check the CR touch wires)

All the cables are glued into the motherboard, so they can’t really come loose :confused: They’re all sheathed in this mesh as well so I can’t really see if there’s anything wrong with the ribbon - although I’m curious if everyone has what looks like electrical tape over their ribbon on the way to the hot end assembly or if it’s just repairs the previous owner did :thinking: