CR Touch with motherboard 4.2.2 Ender 3 pro

I bought on Amazon a CR touch sensor for my Ender 3 PRO and i tried to install and configure it on my 3d printer but i have some trouble that i try to explain.

I have a motherboard 4.2.2 based on Marlin firmware. I connected to them the CR touch like reported in the instructions.

I updated the firmware downloaded from the Creality website.
I tried the version Ender-3pro_HW4.2.2_SW2.0.8.27_CRTOUCH.bin, is it the correct one?

The firmware flashed correctly and I started with the following steps:

  1. in the menù I click to Motion → auto Home

  2. i click to Move z in order to know the value to put in the Probe z sensor

  3. click on probe z sensor and insert the value of point 2

  4. do an autolevel bed

  5. click on store settings

I do all these steps but the extruder after the auto home is always much higher respect the bed and the filament is not attached to it.

I tried to move the bed higher respect the extruder and cr touch, but when a print job start, the autolevel procedure moved the extruder again a bit higher and this operation result useless.

I’ve been trying any possible solution for two days, i see a lot of videos on youtube, but nothing seems working. Please anyone can help me in order to solve this problem?

thank you

I too am having the same darn issue with my CR Touch, but I’ve had mine installed for over a year, left my 3D printer alone during that time, and now that I’ve returned to the hobby I’m just driving myself nuts trying to diagnose this issue.

The only thing I’ve yet to try is reflashing the firmware. I hope it fixes it otherwise I’m about to sell the setup.

The other issue that could be related to this issue is my Z offset settings are blown away after a power cycle of the whole thing OR when OctoPrint/Pi sends a print job along to the printer.

I’m wondering if that’s related to the MicroSD card or the card reader. I’ve tried MULTIPLE MicroSD cards of differing capacities and manufacturers.