I bought on Amazon a CR touch sensor for my Ender 3 PRO and i tried to install and configure it on my 3d printer but i have some trouble that i try to explain.
I have a motherboard 4.2.2 based on Marlin firmware. I connected to them the CR touch like reported in the instructions.
I updated the firmware downloaded from the Creality website.
I tried the version Ender-3pro_HW4.2.2_SW2.0.8.27_CRTOUCH.bin, is it the correct one?
The firmware flashed correctly and I started with the following steps:
in the menù I click to Motion → auto Home
i click to Move z in order to know the value to put in the Probe z sensor
click on probe z sensor and insert the value of point 2
do an autolevel bed
click on store settings
I do all these steps but the extruder after the auto home is always much higher respect the bed and the filament is not attached to it.
I tried to move the bed higher respect the extruder and cr touch, but when a print job start, the autolevel procedure moved the extruder again a bit higher and this operation result useless.
I’ve been trying any possible solution for two days, i see a lot of videos on youtube, but nothing seems working. Please anyone can help me in order to solve this problem?
thank you