Crashing Creality Print 5.1.2 on Mac M1 Pro

Hello, I’d love to use Creality Print 5.1.2 windows version on my MacBook Pro M1 Pro using Windows 11 Insider preview on VMware Fusion

The software don’t start… ( Bamboo studio 1.0 works fine)

Capture d’écran 2024-08-18 à 18.26.24

Details, the app starts, but get stuck on the About dialog…

v9904 is cursed! Use an older version, many available!

Thanks, I have a working version on Mac, just need the windows version to repair files…

Here are some older versions of Creality Print for windows… Version 4.xx or You can actually install both 4 and 5 on the same computer and they won’t interfere with each other. I run both until all the 5.xx quirks are ironed out… :upside_down_face: :arrow_heading_down:
Creality Print software… All versions

Hi, I’v a Windows 11 Pro 24H2 running under VMWare on my MacBook Pro M1 and the last version: Creality_Print-v5.1.4.10249-win64-Release => dont start! ( was working on the previous pre-release of Windows 11 Pro) …

Let Cprint die