I just bought a KE and downloaded the latest Creality Software (v5.0). The Software Manual on the USB stick provided. It is Version 4.3.
This manual does not match the software screens ie. there are two options on the lower screen
Slice Plate/Slice All - no explanation of these two
LAN Printing/export to Local/upload to Creality Cloud - this is self explanatory
Is there a later manual to download? If not, what’s the difference between
Slice Plate and Slice All options?
5 is still in active development and will change as time goes by. It’s based on orca slicer to point, full how to has not been released you can have multiple plates or just one.
Thanks for the reply. Is the Orca slicer worth downloading?
Some say it is some say it isn’t.
Sorry I know that doesn’t help
I downloaded Orca Slicer and as you said earlier, its almost identical to the Creality Software. I also downloaded Cura and Prusa so I’ll play with them all over the next few weeks and see what I prefer.
Thanks for your help
Creality Print V5
Under “Prepare” tab you can have multiple Plates
To left there are 2 buttons with a + sign, the first one is import model, the second button is add plate you can have multiple models on each plate.
“Slice all” button will slice all the plates you have selected, you should see them shaded out on plate window
“Slice Plate” will only slice active plate
In “Preview” tab
To left you will also see plates
Thanks for the reply. I’ve pretty much got a hang of it now however I prefer Orca Slicer. No more error codes although Creality are sending me spare parts to fix the errors that occur when using Creality Print.