Creality 6.0 Software not working. Will not connect to computer!

Just downloaded Creality 6.0 tonight & after download my computer keeps telling me my printer is offline. However it will still accept a file from my computer.

How is your printer connected? If you are using WLAN make sure you connect your printer with a 2.4GHz SSID only. 5GHz doesn’t work even if the printer tells you that is connected to the WLAN and you can access it via Creality Cloud. I made this experience with CP6 and my K2+

You added the printer on device tab? and you can see the printer details on device tab?
If yes then I know of another problem only: When you start the CP6 before the printer is online (and booted up completely with CFS) it has sometimes problems to connect later to the printer. I just avoid this by first starting printer and then a minute later CP6.

Had that problem. After last firmware update did a factory reset . Can now let open creality print 6 for 3 days on my pc . Add new model and print. No offline printer anymore.