Creality Ender 5 Plus printing speed problem


I have Creality Ender 5 Plus. I will print using TPU. I want to set printing speed as 25 mm/s. I use Creality slicer. I set printing speed as 25 mm/s in Creality slicer. I does not change my printing speed on Ender 5 plus. After I click print button on my printer, I click Adjust button. I see printing speed is %100 on printers screen. When I set it 25 then it is slow.

What is the default printing speed of Creality 5 plus?
How can I set printing speed as 25 mm/s?

G0 F7500 X171.83 Y151.685 Z0.3
G1 F1500 X172.373 Y151.112 E0.03938
G1 X172.972 Y150.597 E0.0788
G1 X173.62 Y150.146 E0.11818
G1 X174.311 Y149.762 E0.15762
G1 X175.036 Y149.45 E0.197
G1 X175.789 Y149.213 E0.23638
G1 X176.563 Y149.054 E0.27581

I think the printer uses speed. The problem is my TPU filament doesn’t like speed 25. I could print using 10 mm/s. This speed is too slow. What can I do to print using 25.? If I use 20 or 25 first layer will not stick to the plate. Even 15 has a problem. I use standard 0.4 nozzle.

Have you fitted a direct drive extruder? Pushing wet spaghetti is harder than pulling it.