Creality K1 Max poor wall quality

I have a K1 Max that I have been troubleshooting for several weeks now. It produces these low quality vertical walls.

I get similar results if I use Creality Slicers default profiles with all the auto-calibration features turned on, or if I use Orca Slicer and manually go through the calibration steps.

Honestly I am about to throw this printer in the garbage if I can’t solve this issue. I have an Ender 3 Pro that I have used for 5+ years now and it can print higher quality and more consistently than this, and that is my baseline and goal. I feel like it should be achievable but I have spend so many hours on this printer that was suppose to be smart enough out of the box just to still not have good prints that its really sucked. Especially comparing it to this little A1 mini I just got.

So any help to solve this issue and improve my print quality would be appreciated. I am willing to start at square 1 but I feel like I have been at square 1 about 10 times now so…

I have a K1 max too and most of the time this is the result of wrong retraction settings.

you could change the retractionsetting in printersettings to 0.6 mm(or lower) and see if it helps.

Did you ever solve this issue, I have a V3 doing the exact same thing and I can’t get it under control, I’m gonna try different retraction like the other person posted today