Creality Otter with defect calibration board and problems to calibrate

Hi folks,

I bought my Otter on Black Friday and got it today. So I unboxed it and was disappointed. The white calibration board is cracked. Don’t know what happend to the Otter, the box looks great.
But I watched some videos and want to use it, so I puzzled the pieces together and updated to current firmware. After on I started my calibration. Calibration worked great with vertical and angled calibration on the 7 steps. Did it with both cameras and this was no problem. But after on when it tries to compute the calibration, every time on ~37% it failes. I did 9 attempts, used different USB ports (2 &3 which are recognized correctly). No difference, “Calibration failed”, “Calibration failed”, “Calibration failed”.

Tried to scan it without calibration but I have bad results. Currently I am really pis***d. Is there any solution except send it back? I read the calibration plate match the scanner. So I have to send it back one way or another?

Sorry for my first unfriendly post, but I think most first posts are not the nicest ones :wink:


I found the log folder and there the calibration logs. All have the entry
calib fail errcode: -35

With this information I started a conversation with Maybe they know the code and can tell me whats wrong there.

Hello, could you pls provide me a photo of the calibration board? You can contact the after-sales department to apply an otter calibration board. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can join our community for further discussion: Redirecting...

This is the board, the bottom left splitted apart and there are two cracks. Looked like something heavy hit the box.
But all calibration steps can finished succesful. Just the last step when the steps are calculated (?) it stops.

I tried to contact, but they need one week to ask me for the printer serial number although I wrote from scanner in my text and attached a picture with visable serial number… i think I have to send it back, because they wont finish my request in a proper time.