Creality Print problem in linux is not slicing

Hello to all,

It seems that im not the only one with a problem with the creality slicer software.

I downloaded the latest software form the site: Creality_Print-v4.3.7.6627-x86_64-Release.AppImage

Executing and booting works all fine the same as loading the STL but when i click the “slice” button the screen is flashing once and that’s it.

Is there someone here who have a solution?

Im using Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon

Very frustrating that creality sitll not fixed this problem, i see people who already had this problem months ago.

Hi @diepje welcome to the forums.

There is a v4.3.8 available on the Creality Print Github hopefully that may work better for you. Here is a link…

Creality Print V4.3.8

indeed this fixed the problem.

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Glad to hear the newer version works for you :slight_smile: