Creality Print removes part of my model

When I open my .stl file, I have threads attached to a trapezoid.

However, when I go to "Preview" the threaded portion goes away.

Ultimately, I would like to paint the threads for support removal, but there’s nothing to pain. If I paint in the “Prepare” mode, I still get the missing section between the base and the top.

Also, I couldn’t figure out a way to upload the .stl file.

If you uncheck “supports” does the file show and slice ok…?

Unless there is something wrong with the original stl file it should slice.
It looks like the supports are covering the threads.

I’ve printed models and the threads don’t always need support the way you have it placed on the build plate…

When I uncheck the box in the Supports section, not the Painting section, all the threads go away. I want to print the threads without support, but I need the support for the lower section.